Prayers of the Faithful

CELEBRANT: With mercy and power Jesus healed the leper who came to him.  Sharing his compassion let us bring the needs of the world before our loving God.



We pray for church communities around the world.  May they be centres of hospitality and healing open to all.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray the leaders of nations in this time of global uncertainty.  May they govern for the good of humanity and the life of the planet.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our pray


We pray for the human family.  May people everywhere make the lifestyle changes that are needed to care responsibly for God’s creation.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our pray


We pray for all who are preparing this year’s Australian Plenary Council.  May they fulfil their task with wisdom and great freedom of spirit.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for the Indigenous children of Australia.  May they enjoy the access to education, health care and justice that is their right.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for parents of new-born children.  May they rejoice in the gift they have been given and care for their child with love.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for our parish.  May the whole community come together this Lent to renew and strengthen our family of faith.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


We pray for the recently deceased James McNamara, Mary Richardson, Brian Martin (Coragulac), Leo Montz, Margaret McGinness, Anioja Stanislaus and for those whose anniversary of death occurs around this time Shane Harris, Elsie Kelly, Peter Tobin and Sy Kan Gual.

(Pause for silent prayer)

Loving God, hear us                           R. Loving God, hear our prayer.


CELEBRANT: All-loving God, in Jesus your Son you revealed your healing power.  Send us out as heralds of your saving mercy.  We ask this through Christ our Lord.