CELEBRANT: In the waters of baptism we have become children of God. With child like trust in God’s goodness, let us pray for all our needs.
We pray for Pope Francis. May the witness of his life and the wisdom of his letters generate lasting reform in church and society.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
We pray for a new economic order in the world. May the goods of the earth be shared until no child lacks food or shelter.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
We pray for all living creatures on the planet. May they survive and thrive in habitats protected from human exploitation.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
We pray for the people of Timor Leste and Flores who are suffering the tragedy of floods. We remember those who have lost their lives and their loved ones. We pray for God’s Help and our Help as their countries rebuild their lives, their homes and public buildings.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our pray
We pray for children, families and teachers on school holidays. May they enjoy a safe and refreshing break.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our pray
We pray for our parish community. May our faith in Jesus grow strong and our love for one another be real.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our pray
We pray for the recently deceased Fay Stanley, Norm Stewart, Betty Williams, Santiago Ximenes, Roslyn Patterson, Thomas Wiggins, Mona Bartlett, Alcina Kefi, Ano Kefi, Angelina Mendes, Isabel Malone, Traveller Smith whose anniversary of death occurs around this time Betty Mahony, Sisters Teresa Pye and Teresa Hyland, Dot Davies, Julieta Lay, Belinha Lay, Thelma Lynch.
(Pause for silent prayer)
Loving God, hear us R. Loving God, hear our prayer.
CELEBRANT: Holy God, you bring us to new birth by water and spirit. Help us live truly as your daughters and sons. We ask this through Christ our Lord.