"Hearing Healing Hope”
Parish leaders and parishioners are warmly invited to participate in Hearing, Healing, Hope, which is both the title and the theme of the 2018 National Catholic Social Services Conference. This will be held in Melbourne from 21 – 23 February at the Catholic Leadership Centre, 576 Victoria Parade, East Melbourne.
Much of the conference relates to parishes as well as to Catholic social service organisations. Social services, at the parish level and beyond, are all subject to the challenges and opportunities of disruption in our society, in relationships with Government and within the Church.
The conference will be participatory– 50% of each session will involve active engagement with presenters. In that context, an inspiring range of presenters will lead a program that includes forums on:
- Hearing, Healing and Hope with Phil Glendenning AM, Executive Director of the Edmund Rice Centre for Justice and Community;
- Ecological conversion – 'The cry of the poor and the cry of the earth';
- Mary MacKillop Oration, with Geraldine Doogue;
- Breakfast focus on the 2020 Plenary Council of the Church in Australia;
- Current issues in human rights, with Fr Frank Brennan sj;
- Responding to abuse, ensuring safe environments and dedication to service.
And workshops on topics such as:
- Parishes as centres of service;
- Support for asylum seekers and recently arrived communities;
- Responding to family violence;
- Indigenous wellness and empowerment;
- Effective advocacy of public policy;
- The National Disability Insurance Scheme;
- Social housing.
The conference website – www.css.org.au/HearingHealingHope – provides program and booking details. Tickets are affordably priced, but parishes that would need a discount to participate can contact Lucia Brick on 9287 5566 or lucia.brick@css.org.au. A discount is also offered to emerging and future leaders.