Focus On
Anniversary formation in preparation for the Diocesan Assembly
In preparation for the Diocesan Assembly in November 2024, there are formation sessions being held around the diocese with a focus on leadership and governance.
Liturgy Formation
The Diocesan Liturgical Commission will present Liturgy Formation on Formation for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Formation for Lectors at St Mary’s Church Donald on Sunday, August 18, 2024.
Sport can lead the way to Christ
Like many other countries, Australia is passionate about sport. But how are the Church, faith and sport connected and why should they be?
Focus On
World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
This year’s theme, “Do not cast me off in my old age” (cf. Ps 71: 9), recalls the heartfelt plea to the Lord not to be left alone in old age
Fr Barry Ryan RIP
Fr Barry died on June 22, 2024 at Nazareth House Ballarat.
Ribbons on a section of the Cathedral fence
Bishop Paul Bird offers this update following discussions about ribbons on the cathedral fence.
Focus On
Diocesan History Timeline
In acknowledgement of the 150th anniversary of the Diocese of Ballarat, a timeline of events has been created on the website. This was launched for the Mass of the Oils which incorporated acknowledgement of the 150th anniversary and is available for viewing. Click through the decades for a look through.
Ballarat Diocesan Social Justice Commission Reflection Day with Michael McGirr
The Ballarat Diocesan Social Justice Commission invite all to a Reflection Day, in celebration of the launch of the Australian Catholic Bishops’ Social Justice Statement 2024-2025.
A special visit to Coleraine
Bishop Paul Bird visited St Joseph’s School and Parish Coleraine in June.
A wonderful celebration
The sacrament of Confirmation celebrated.
Andrew Chinn visits
On Monday, June 24 St Brendan’s Primary School Coragulac were blessed to have a concert with Andrew Chinn..
Focus On
Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
August 8 is the feast Day of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop.
Message Stick journey
The journey of the message sticks continues with one being onsite at St Mary’s Primary School in Swan Hill in the last week of May.
Vale Jean McMeel
Jean, a Timboon parishioner for 67 years, died on March 3, 2024 and will be greatly missed.
Learning Walk Success! The importance of parent engagement
St Mary’s Primary School Warracknabeal had a fabulous turn out of current and prospective families to engage in their Learning Walk recently.
Wellbeing Day
On Tuesday, June 25, St Patrick’s Primary School Stawell celebrated a Wellbeing Day, filled with a variety of engaging activities designed to enhance student wellness.
Focus On
Celebrating NAIDOC Week
During the week of July 15 – 19 St Alipius Parish School, Ballarat East were blessed to celebrate NAIDOC Week, a time dedicated to honouring the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Ballarat $1000 Choral Scholarships
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Ballarat is inviting applications from Years 3 – 6 students with musical interest and aptitude, for a Cathedral Choral Scholarship for 2025..
Thank you and Goodbye
Carmel Barker, Principal of Marian College Ararat, reflects on her journey as principal.
Focus On
Catholic Earthcare to host Season of Creation
workshop in September
Caritas Australia’s Catholic Earthcare team is inviting the Catholic community – including schools, parishes, dioceses, organisations, and religious orders – to join its 2024 Season of Creation convocation.
Victorian Catholic Education Authority News
Victorian Catholic Education Authority holds Annual General Meeting and celebrates a Commissioning Mass
St Patrick’s, Port Fairy named Sustainability Victoria’s Community Leadership School of the Year
Congratulations to St Patrick’s, Port Fairy on receiving Sustainability Victoria’s ResourceSmart Schools award for “Community Leadership School of the Year”.
Scripture of the week
Take time to read and reflect on Sunday's Gospel.
Prayer for this edition of e-News.
Diocesan Liturgical Commission
Prevention of domestic violence against women
Loving God, we pray for an to end domestic, family and violence against women in our community.
We are a community of communities from the Murray to the sea.
Inspired by the Gospel and nourished by the Eucharist,
we follow the example of Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
reaching out in joyful and humble service,
caring for all of God’s creation,
growing in love day by day
and looking forward to life with God forever.
Diocesan Vision Statement 2005