St Patrick’s Cathedral Ballarat – a Place of Pilgrimage
Bishop Paul has designated St Patrick’s Cathedral Ballarat as a place of pilgrimage for this Jubilee Year. Pilgrims are invited to take a self-guided tour of the Cathedral. A booklet is available for pilgrims to follow. This includes suggestions on how to be a pilgrim, a brief history of St Patrick’s Cathedral and information about the beautiful stained-glass windows.
As well as visiting the Cathedral for the self-guided tour, pilgrims are welcome to spend some time in the Cathedral in prayer. This could include joining in the celebration of Mass. Masses are held on weekdays at 12.05pm and on Saturday mornings at 10.00am. Sunday Masses are celebrated on Saturday evenings at 5.30pm and on Sundays at 8.00am, 10.30am and 5.00pm. There are also opportunities for daily adoration and devotions. Please check the Cathedral bulletin for information. A self-guided tour is best done in quiet times, when there is no Mass or other event happening. Pilgrims are welcome to come as individuals or you could arrange for members of your parish to come as a group.
Australian Pilgrims of Hope website
The ACBC Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry have launched a website for the 2025 Jubilee Year Pilgrims of Hope. This site provides details of cathedrals, shrines, churches and pilgrimages identified by local churches across Australia as fulfilling the requirement for obtaining a plenary indulgence.
What is a Jubilee?
A Jubilee is a special year of grace and conversion, involving prayer, pilgrimage and sacramental repentance, held every 25 years, or during other years as called for by the Pope. Through a series of concrete rituals, acts and commitments, the goal of a Jubilee year is to inspire and encourage holiness of life among the faithful and therefore to strengthen the Church’s witness to God’s loving mercy in and for the world.
The word “jubilee” is derived from the Hebrew word jobel, which means “ram’s horn”; since it was precisely that horn which was used as a trumpet, whose sound indicated to everybody the beginning of the jubilee year. The book of Leviticus, in the code of holiness, is the source which tells us of the significance of the jubilee year, a year of liberation “par excellence,” which is at the end of seven weeks of years, the fiftieth year.
Papal Bull
Pope Francis has declared a Jubilee Year of Hope in 2025. The Holy Door of the Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican will be opened on 24 December 2024, thus inaugurating the Ordinary Jubilee. On the following Sunday, 29 December 2024, the Holy Door of the Pope’s Cathedral, Saint John Lateran, will be opened. Then, on 1 January 2025, the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, the Holy Door of the Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major will be opened. Finally, Sunday, 5 January 2025, will mark the opening of the Holy Door of the Papal Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls. These last three Holy Doors will be closed on Sunday, 28 December 2025.
Pope Francis decreed that on Sunday, 29 December 2024, in every cathedral and co-cathedral, diocesan bishops are to celebrate Holy Mass as the solemn opening of the Jubilee Year, using the ritual indications that will be provided for that occasion. The Holy Year will conclude in the particular Churches on Sunday, 28 December 2025. The Ordinary Jubilee will conclude with the closing of the Holy Door in the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican on 6 January 2026, the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord.
In the course of the year, every effort should be made to enable the People of God to participate fully in its proclamation of hope in God’s grace and in the signs that attest to its efficacy.
The Jubilee Logo
The logo shows four stylized figures, representing all of humanity, coming from the four corners of the earth. They embrace each other to indicate the solidarity and fraternity which should unite all peoples.
The figure at the front is holding onto the cross. It is not only the sign of the faith which this lead figure embraces, but also of hope, which can never be abandoned, because we are always in need of hope, especially in our moments of greatest need.
There are the rough waves under the figures, symbolising the fact that life’s pilgrimage does not always go smoothly in calm waters. Often the circumstances of daily life and events in the wider world require a greater call to hope. That’s why we should pay special attention to the lower part of the cross which has been elongated and turned into the shape of an anchor which is let down into the waves. The anchor is well known as a symbol of hope. In maritime jargon the ‘anchor of hope’ refers to the reserve anchor used by vessels involved in emergency manoeuvres to stabilise the ship during storms. It is worth noting that the image illustrates the pilgrim’s journey not as an individual undertaking, but rather as something communal, marked by an increasing dynamism leading one ever closer to the cross. The cross in the logo is by no means static, but it is also dynamic. It bends down towards humanity, not leaving human beings alone, but stretching out to them to offer the certainty of its presence and the security of hope. At the bottom of the logo is the motto of the 2025 Jubilee Year: Peregrinantes in Spem (Pilgrims in hope), represented in green letters.
The Jubilee Prayer
Father in heaven,
may the faith you have given us
in your son, Jesus Christ, our brother,
and the flame of charity enkindled
in our hearts by the Holy Spirit,
reawaken in us the blessed hope
for the coming of your Kingdom.
May your grace transform us
into tireless cultivators of the seeds of the Gospel.
May those seeds transform from within both humanity and the whole cosmos
in the sure expectation
of a new heaven and a new earth,
when, with the powers of Evil vanquished,
your glory will shine eternally.
May the grace of the Jubilee
reawaken in us, Pilgrims of Hope,
a yearning for the treasures of heaven.
May that same grace spread
the joy and peace of our Redeemer
throughout the earth.
To you our God, eternally blessed,
be glory and praise for ever. Amen.
The Official Hymn for the Jubilee
“Pilgrims of Hope”
The Jubilee 2025 General Calendar
Resources for Parishes and Individuals
There are 36 events throughout the 2025 Jubilee Year, highlighting special aspects of Church life. For each event, the National Centre for Evangelisation has prepared a brief resource that parishes and individuals can use for personal or group prayer and reflection. The resources include:
- Introduction: a brief explanation of the Jubilee event and personal prayer;
- Teaching: relevant text from Papal or Church documents to assist local reflection and homily notes;
- Reflection: Testimony – a human story of someone with experience in the relevant field; image/artwork – a visual representation highlighting the theme for contemplation;
- Prayers of intercession: two examples that can be used by parishes;
- Additional resources: further resources to assist understanding, promotion or advocacy of the Jubilee theme.
These resources can be downloaded and shared with your communities.
Taken from the National Centre for Evangelisation Jubilee 2025: Pilgrims of Hope website
Plenary Indulgence for the Jubilee Year 2025
During this Jubilee Year, which represents a time of grace and spiritual renewal for the entire Church, is the gift of the plenary indulgence. Among the conditions required to receive a plenary indulgence is prayer for the intentions of the Holy Father, a gesture of deep communion with the Successor of Peter and with the universal mission of the Church. To foster and encourage this dimension of prayer, pilgrims are invited to join the Holy Father in prayer through, “Click To Pray”, the Vatican’s official prayer app.
This digital platform is a true spiritual tool that accompanies the faithful with moments of prayer and reflection throughout the day. Furthermore, the app includes the official profile of the Holy Father, where all his prayer intentions are published, allowing the faithful to concretely unite with the intentions the Pope entrusts to the universal Church. Scan the QR code or go to “Click to Pray” to join in prayer with the universal Church.
2024 Year of Prayer
Pope Francis has asked that 2024 be marked as a Year of Prayer. The Pope wrote: “From now on I am happy to think that the year preceding the Jubilee event, 2024, will be dedicated to a great ‘symphony’ of prayer. First of all, to recover the desire to be in the presence of the Lord, to listen to him and adore him.” In preparation for the Jubilee, therefore, individual dioceses are invited to promote the centrality of individual and community prayer during this year.
The Dicastery for Evangelisation has made some useful resources available to help people to better understand and rediscover the value of prayer. In addition to the 38 catecheses on Prayer that Pope Francis himself presented from May 6, 2020 to June 16, 2021, a series of booklets entitled, “Notes on Prayer” is being published by the Vatican publishing house. The eight titles are designed to put the need for a profound relationship with the Lord back at the center of people’s lives, through the many forms of prayer to be found in the rich Catholic tradition of prayer.
In addition, a pastoral aid is available online, in a digital version, to help parish communities, families, priests, cloistered nuns and young people to become more aware of the need for daily prayer.
Vatican International Photography Contest – Sport in Motion
In the context of the Jubilee of Sport for the Year 2025, the Dicastery for Culture and Education (Vatican) is promoting an international photography contest, under the title ‘Sport in Motion’. The contest is aimed at young photographers, professional or amateur, under the age of 25. The contest includes 5 categories of photography: Sport and hope (sport as a message of hope to society); Sport and family (sport as a moment of family life); Sport and disability (sport as a platform for inclusion); Sport and politics (sport as a resource accessible to all); Sport and ecology (the relationship of sport with the elements of nature). The deadline for participation ends on April 30, 2025 and the winners will be announced at the Jubilee of Sport (June 14-15, 2025). The winners will be awarded a meeting with the Holy Father, a visit to the Vatican Museums, a workshop in the Osservatore Romano newspaper and the international dissemination of the photos in the Holy See’s media. Entries can be made by email and further information (entry form / rules / jury) can be found on the Dicastery’s website website.