Mass of the Oils 2022

On Monday, April 11, 2022, the beginning of Holy Week, the Mass of the Oils was celebrated with priests and people from around the Diocese.  Mass this year was celebrated with minimal COVID restrictions, allowing all to come together for this annual celebration of the Diocesan Church of Ballarat.

The gathering celebrates the unity of the Diocese where priests, deacons, religious and laity renew their commitment to call to serve in Christ’s name as baptised members of his Church.  We acknowledge all those who share their gifts and ministries in the service of his Kingdom.  The Holy Oils were blessed and consecrated and distributed to all the communities of our Diocese for the celebration of the Sacraments.

The Oils – Oil of the Sick, Oil of Catechumens and the Holy Chrism – will reach those in our Diocese who become sick and are anointed; every baby in our Diocese who is baptised; and every young person and adult in our Diocese who are fully initiated into the community of the Church.

The main Celebrant was Bishop Paul Bird CSsR, along with Fr Kevin Maloney, Vicar General and Fr Ed Moloney, Administrator of the Cathedral Parish.  Clergy celebrating a jubilee were also invited to con-celebrate Mass.  Deacons Rev William Lowry and Rev Matthew Restall and our seminarian Cay Trinh Peter were also in attendance.  Bishop Paul acknowledged the clergy jubiliarians for 2022.

Clergy Ordination Anniversaries 2022:

65 years:  Fr John McKinnon and Fr Kevin Murphy (an apology for the Mass)
60 years:  Fr Kevin Arundell (an apology for the Mass)
50 years:  Fr Tom Brophy
10 years:  Episcopal Ordination Anniversary of Bishop Paul


Bishop Paul’s homily from the Mass can be read here.


Members of the diocese fulfilling ministries at the Mass this year were:

Altar Servers:
Lachlan Brodie – St Patrick’s College, Ballarat
Max Brodie – St Aloysius Primary School, Redan

First Reading:  James Treffry – Our Lady Help of Christians Parish, Warrnambool East
Second Reading:  Fiona Bradley – St Patrick’s Cathedral Parish, Ballarat
Gospel Procession:  Jillian Hogbin – Caritas Co-ordinator: Diocese of Ballarat
Presentation of the Gifts:  Carmel & Mick Bolton – St Peter’s Parish, Daylesford

Oil of the Sick procession:
Diane Wright – Pastoral Associate: Mercy Place, Colac
Sr Melissa Brown csn – Nazareth House, Ballarat
Bronwyn Wood – Pastoral Services Coordinator: St John of God Hospital, Ballarat
Leonie Gladman – Pastoral Services: Mercy Place, Ballarat East
Flagon:  Rev Bill Lowry – Deacon: Diocese of Ballarat

Oil of Catechumens procession:
Gemma Hanrahan – School Leader:  Loreto College, Ballarat (Jamie Sergeant-Crowe – School Co-Captain: Loreto College, Ballarat was an apology due to COVID)
Lewis Clark – School Captain: Damascus College, Ballarat
James Clark – School Captain: St Patrick’s College, Ballarat
Diane Kierce – Sponsor: All Saints’ Parish, Portland
Flagon: Jesse Walsh – Catechumen: St Patrick’s Cathedral Parish, Ballarat

Oil of Chrism procession:
Sophie Boyd – School Co-Captain: Loreto College, Ballarat
Zenon Czulij – School Vice-Captain: St Patrick’s College, Ballarat
Megan O’Beirne – School Captain: Damascus College, Ballarat
Kathy Loftus – Sponsor: All Saints’ Parish, Portland
Perfume:  Matilda Trounce – Confirmation Candidate: St Augustine’s Parish, Creswick
Flagon:  Rev Matt Restall – Deacon: Diocese of Ballarat

The music was beautifully led from the choir loft by Choir Conductor Roger Hillman, Pipe Organist Geoff Martin, Flautist Adrian Newman and choir members from the parishes of Ballarat.  The Cantor for the evening was Judith Sully from St Patrick’s Cathedral Parish, Ballarat.  Judith sang a beautiful rendition of the psalm, encouraging participating from those in the congregation.

Before the final blessing, Dr Peter Morris called representatives of the parishes of the Diocese forward to collect the Oils from Bishop Paul.  Following Mass all were invited to the Hall to share in supper, which was provided once again by Sally Morris and family.  We are very grateful to the Morris family for their continued support of this Mass and diocesan events over many years.

There are many people involved in the success of this Mass and thanks is extended to our very capable Altar Servers, Lachlan and Max Brodie, those who prepared the oils, participated in the various ministries, welcomers, ushers, those responsible for the décor in the Cathedral, Kay Curran for overseeing the set-up for the Mass and members of the Pastoral Ministry Office, Diocesan Liturgical Commission and the Redan Parish.  We also acknowledge and appreciate those who travel vast distances to collect the oils for their parishes and we pray for the safe return home for all travellers.
