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The Parish of

Ballarat East


  • St Alipius

    82 Victoria Street, Ballarat East

  • Ss Peter & Paul's

    701 Fisken Street, Buninyong


Street Address
84 Victoria Street
Ballarat East  VIC  3350
(03) 5332 6611

Parish Office

The parish office is located within the presbytery at 84 Victoria St.

Office Hours 

Tuesday: 9.00am – 12.00 noon
Wednesday: 9.00am – 12.00 noon
Thursday: 9.00am – 12.00 noon
Friday: 9.00am – 12.00 noon

Phone: 5332 6611

Mass Times

St Alipius’ Church, Ballarat East


Weekday Masses
Please refer to the Parish Bulletin for Week day Mass times

Weekend Masses
Vigil Mass Saturday at 6.00 pm

Sunday morning Mass
1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays at 9.00 am
2nd & 4th Sundays at 10.30 am

Ss Peter & Paul’s Church, Buninyong


Weekend Masses
Sunday morning Mass
1st, 3rd & 5th Sundays at 10.30 am
2nd & 4th Sundays at 9.00 am


By appointment


By appointment

Latest Parish Bulletin

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Ministry District:  Ballarat East, Bungaree and Gordon Parishes

From April 10th, Bishop Paul has appointed Fr Matt Restall and I to the parishes of Ballarat East, Bungaree and Gordon, forming a Ministry District across our three parishes and the eight local Church and School communities of Ballan, Ballarat East, Bungaree, Buninyong, Clarke’s Hill, Dunnstown, Gordon and Springbank. We will work with Cathy Prunty, Natalie Gleeson and Jackie Wrigglesworth in the Ballarat East Office and Aileen Toohey in the Bungaree and Gordon Parish Offices as well as the Principals of our Catholic Schools – Troy Strybosch (St Joseph’s Bakery Hill), Jayne Bosworth (St Brigid’s Ballan), Emily Clarke (St Alipius’ Ballarat East), Mark Hogbin (St Francis Xavier Ballarat East), Clare Scanlon (St Mary’s Clarke’s Hill), Paul McDowell (St Patrick’s Gordon), Ethan Corfee (Emmaus Mt Clear) and Steven Mifsud (Damascus Mt Clear and Dunnstown). In the Diocese of Ballarat, a Ministry district is the term used in our pastoral planning document Looking Forward, to describe the sharing of resources between parishes, with the aim of working in collaboration to further the mission of Christ that has been entrusted to the Church. Our emphasis and focus is on mission, looking forward, outward, with the joy of the Gospel.

In this next chapter, our new Ministry district provides us all with an opportunity to exercise genuine synodality, that is, walking together in faith, building a culture of encounter and accompaniment, discerning the  way forward by genuine dialogue, listening to each other with prayerful openness to the Holy Spirit.

I look forward to walking with you as a pilgrim in faith, together as servants of the Gospel, joyful missionary disciples.

Fr Justin Driscoll

Parish Priest

Fr Justin Driscoll PP

Assistant Priest

Fr Matthew Restall

Parish Coordinator

Cathy Prunty

Administrative Assistant

Natalie Gleeson

Child Safeguarding Officer
Emily Clarke

Our Parish

Parish Planned Giving

Be a part of the Planned Giving Program to ensure the financial survival and future growth of your parish.

The Planned Giving Program is the major source of income for the parish. Your financial contribution will ensure we continue to manage the ongoing and increasing expenses in our parish, including, pastoral programs, insurance, wages, utility rates and church maintenance.

To ensure a regular and reliable income for the parish, we request you to make a periodic pledge either, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Your considered financial gift will make an enormous difference to continuing the work the parish.

For Parish Planned Giving or to donate click the logo below.

St Alipius Parish Child Safety 

St Alipius parish is committed to the safety and wellbeing of all children and vulnerable adults.

St Alipius Parish Child Safety Policy – click Children Young People and Vulnerable Adults Safety Policy

St Alipius Parish Commitment to Child Safety – click Children Young People and Vulnerable Adults Commitment Statement

St Alipius Code of Conduct – click Children Young People and Vulnerable Adults Code of Conduct

The Child Safeguarding Officer for our parish is Emily Clarke.  Emily is the principal of St. Alipius school and can be contacted through the school office.  Phone:  5331 1816

Catholic Schools

St. Alipius’ Parish School
St. Francis Xavier Primary School
Emmaus Catholic Primary School
Damascus College


‘The initiation of children into the sacramental life of the Church is family based, co-ordinated by the parish and supported by the Catholic School’.   Taken from Sacraments of Initiation for Children – Policy Statement – Catholic Diocese of Ballarat.
We welcome inquiries for all sacraments in St. Alipius Parish.



Baptism is the first of the three sacraments of initiation, the journey to full membership of the Catholic faith.  The first step in the process to having your child baptised to is attend a preparation session at the St. Patrick’s Cathedral Hall.  These sessions are held on the first Thursday of each month and you can choose between 10am or 5.30pm.  At this session you will be given an enrolment form which you are invited to submit at our parish office.  When submitting the form, you can book a date for baptism.  Baptisms are held at 10.30am masses at St. Alipius and Ss. Peter and Paul in Buninyong.

2025 Sacramental Program

Dates for the 2025 Sacramental Program in St. Alipius’ Parish are now available.  Please see the attached link for relevant dates for the coming year.  For further information please contact the parish office.  Please note that a date for Confirmation is to be advised.

2025 Sacramental Dates


Thank you for your attendance at our information session for parents.  Please use the following link to book the night your child will make their First Reconciliation.


Our History

St Alipius – A History

Our story is a story of people, rather than buildings and dates, although it is important that we acknowledge these. It is the story of a people who have been brought together in faith and love.

St Alipius Parish has its beginnings in the Ballarat “Gold Rush” that started in August 1851. As thousands of people made their way to the diggings and a town quickly took shape, Father Patrick Dunne celebrated the first Mass for the Catholic miners in October 1851.

In late 1852 a second priest Father Matthew Downing arrived and named his Parish after St. Alipius and the Bishop of the time, James Alipius Goold.

In February 1853 Father Downing moved to the present St. Alipius site and erected a church made of slabs with a canvas roof. A school was also built and classes began on April 1st.

(Text from :



Standard 1 of the Victorian Childsafe Standards

Aboriginal cultural safety—a conversation with Sherry Balcombe and Michael Chisholm I July 2022


Parish News

December 16, 2024
Anniversaries at St Alipius Parish
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November 13, 2024
Anniversaries at St Alipius’ Ballarat East
2024 is a significant year for St Alipius' Church in Ballarat East.
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December 21, 2023
Farewell Fr. Jorge
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June 23, 2021
Pre Arranged Funerals
Would you like help with pre arranging your funeral?
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More Ballarat East News

Parish Map