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The Parish of



  • St Augustine's

    117 Napier Street, Creswick



13 Duke St Daylesford
(PO Box 518)
Daylesford  VIC 3460
Office hours
(based in Daylesford)
Wednesday 11.30am – 4pm
Thursday  9am – 2pm
Friday  11.30am – 4pm
Office Phone:  0448 220 685


Parish Office

Office hours
(Based in Daylesford)

The office is open Wednesday 11.30am-4pm  Thursday  9am – 2pm    Friday  11.30am-4pm


Meets regularly

Mass Times


Creswick Mass Times:

Sunday 9am (1st Sunday of each month Lay Led Assembly)

Weekday Mass times-   Please see the newsletter for updated times. 

Holy Week 2025- Holy Thursday April 17th Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper 5.30pm

Good Friday April 18th Celebration of the Lord’s Passion  3.00pm  (Lay Led)

Easter Sunday April 20th 9.00am




Baptisms and Weddings
Phone Parish Office Daylesford during office hours on
0448 220 685 or send an email


Latest Parish Bulletin

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Ministry District:  Creswick, Daylesford and Wendouree Parishes

Parish Priest
Fr Marcello Colasante PP

Parish Office (Daylesford)
Leonie Keynes

0448 220 685


Safeguarding Officer
Leonie Keynes


Catholic Primary School
St Augustine’s Primary School
Napier Street, Creswick
Mr Michael Heenan
Phone 5345 2106

Our Parish

The Parish of Creswick includes the church communities of St Augustine’s Creswick and St Thomas Aquinas Clunes.  (The Clunes Church was closed and sold in 2018).

The first parish building in Creswick was a timber church-school which was completed in early 1856.  In 1858, land was acquired in Bailey Street Clunes where a small chapel was built and in 1859 a school was built at Coghills’ Creek.  At this time, the parish was served by priests based in Ballarat.  In 1859, a priest (Fr McGirr) served the combined parishes of Creswick and Daylesford.  Creswick and Daylesford were jointly served until in June 1862 Creswick when it got its first resident priest.

The first presbytery in Creswick was a red-brick building built in 1867 and was replaced by the current grey brick building in 1966.  The current bluestone Church in Creswick was completed in 1872, although the sacristy and sanctuary were added in 1938.  The history of the parish is given in much greater detail in the book written by the then Parish Priest, Mgr James McInerney, called “Murderer’s Bell” published for the centenary of the Church in 1972.

The original Chapel built in Clunes was replaced by a Gothic-styled timber church in 1866.  The current bluestone Church building began in 1872 and officially opened in June 1874.  The timber Church was moved to a site immediately behind the current Church and was used as a school until it closed in 1926.  In 1903, fire destroyed a house used as the Presbytery and a new red-brick Presbytery was officially opened in January 1905.  A more detailed history of St Thomas Aquinas was written and printed in a small booklet by Ros O’Brien in 1998.

On the weekend of September 17 & 18, 2022, St Augustine’s Church Creswick celebrated its 150th anniversary with a series of special events. The celebrations began with a parish dinner on the Saturday night, followed by Mass the next day.

The Mass was celebrated by Bishop Paul Bird CSsR, with concelebrants Bishop Emeritus Peter Connors, Fr Justin Driscoll, Fr Gary Jones, Fr Bill Melican and Fr Adrian McInerney.  After Mass the festivities continued with a display of historic photos and memorabilia in the St Augustine’s Primary School hall, accompanied by refreshments.  Many locals and former parishioners returned to join in the celebrations. Additionally, a commemorative book titled, “Saints and Sinners, St Augustine’s Creswick 150 years” was published for the occasion.

Parish Planned Giving

Be a part of the Planned Giving Program to ensure the financial survival and future growth of your parish.

The Planned Giving Program is the major source of income for the parish. Your financial contribution will ensure we continue to manage the ongoing and increasing expenses in our parish, including, pastoral programs, insurance, wages, utility rates and church maintenance.

To ensure a regular and reliable income for the parish, we request you to make a periodic pledge either, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Your considered financial gift will make an enormous difference to continuing the work the parish.

For Parish Planned Giving or to donate click the logo below.


Parish News

May 11, 2022
St Augustine’s Church Creswick 150th Anniversary
Celebrations will be held on the weekend of September 17 & 18, 2022
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More Creswick News

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