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The Parish of



  • St Joseph's

    94 Oke Street, Ouyen

  • Our Lady of Fatima

    17 Malkin Avenue, Underbool


Postal Address
PO Box 46
Ouyen  VIC  3490
Street Address
92 Oke Street
Ouyen  VIC  3490

Parish Office

The Parish Office is staffed most Fridays from 10:00 – 11:00 am.
The best way to make an enquiry is to ring the contacts listed below.


Faye Nihill
5092 1326

Marie Shaddock
0417 660 893


Mass Times

Ouyen Parish Weekend Mass & Assembly Times
1st Sunday

Underbool 9:00am (1st Friday) Mass;
Ouyen 11:00am Mass

2nd Sunday
Ouyen 11:00am Mass
3rd Sunday

Underbool 9:00am (3rd Friday) Mass;
Ouyen 11:00 am Mass

4th Sunday
Ouyen 11:00am Mass
5th Sunday
Ouyen 11:00am Mass


Latest Parish Bulletin

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Parish Administrator
Fr Shaiju Mathew MST
(Resident in Robinvale)
Fr Shaiju is also Parish Administrator of Robinvale
Parish Centre
PO Box 46
Ouyen  VIC  3490

Our Parish

Ouyen developed around a railway station, which was established in 1906 after the Melbourne to Mildura line was built. Blocks in the area were sold in 1910 and cleared for sheep, wheat, barley and oat production.  The parish of Ouyen was established in 1922.

Ouyen is a transport and service centre for a vast area occupied by agricultural and pastoral properties and the sixth largest livestock exchange centre in Victoria.

Sacred Heart Church
17 Glen Street
Walpeup (Closed and Sold Oct 2016)

Our Lady Help of Christians
31 Algerian Street
(final Mass March 18, 2023)

Parish Planned Giving

Be a part of the Planned Giving Program to ensure the financial survival and future growth of your parish.

The Planned Giving Program is the major source of income for the parish. Your financial contribution will ensure we continue to manage the ongoing and increasing expenses in our parish, including, pastoral programs, insurance, wages, utility rates and church maintenance.

To ensure a regular and reliable income for the parish, we request you to make a periodic pledge either, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Your considered financial gift will make an enormous difference to continuing the work the parish.

For Parish Planned Giving or to donate click the logo below.







Parish News

February 1, 2023
Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Patchewollock Final Mass
The Final Mass at Our Lady Help of Christians Church, Patchewollock will be held on Sunday, March 18, 2023. 
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July 14, 2020
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July 3, 2019
Catholic Professional Standards Ltd
What does a child-safe parish look like?
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May 4, 2020
Sacrament of Reconciliation
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More Ouyen News

Parish Map