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The Parish of



  • St Mary's

    19 Watkin Street, Robinvale

  • St Patrick's

    33 Pioneer Street, Manangatang


Postal  & Street Address
19 Watkin Street
Robinvale  VIC  3549
(03) 5026 3068

(03) 5026 4305


Parish Office


Many thanks for your continuing support of our Presbytery and Parish during these unprecedented times. Parishioners wishing to contribute to the Presbytery/Parish finances, please deposit to the Parish account – Westpac: BSB: 033250 Account number: 870747.

St Mary’s Parish has joined with CDF (Catholic Development Fund-Ballarat) and CDF Pay where you can electronically make a one off payment or set up a regular payment. You receive an electronic receipt for any payments made.

The link for St Mary’s Parish, Robinvale is

 Parish Planned Giving: Thank you to the parishioners who support the work of the Church through their financial contribution. New envelopes, along with receipts are available from the Parish Office. Please contact Parish Office/Pat Curran 0427 269 211 or email

Mass Times

  Easter 2023 Mass Times, Robinvale St. Mary’s, Parish.

Weekend Mass Times

  6pm Vigil, Every Saturday

Weekday Mass  – Thursday’s 9.30am

St. Mary’s School children join for weekday Mass, Class-wise, once a term per class. Please note during school holidays no Mass. 

for further info re Mass Times please call

Mary Knight 0438 627 920

or Parish Office – 03 5026 3068

For Baptisms & Confessions please call parish office and make an appointment. 

Mass Times – Manangatang

9am Mass on every Sunday except 4th weekend.

9am Lay-led SAWC: 4th Sunday


for further info re Mass Times please call

Mary Knight 0438 627 920

or call Parish Office – 03 5026 3068

For Baptisms & Confessions please call parish office and make an appointment.

Latest Parish Bulletin

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Parish Administrator
Fr Shaiju Mathew MST.

Fr Shaiju is also Parish Administrator of Ouyen.  Fr Shaiju also works in Mildura parishes on Wednesday’s and on every 2nd Weekend.

Fr Matthew Thomas and Fr John Corrigan from Mildura parishes share the weekend Mass Roster on 2nd weekend in Robinvale-Ouyen parishes.

Catholic School
Andrea Welsh, Principal
St Mary’s P – 8 School
Parish Contact
Mary Knight

Parish Finances

Pat Curran

Parish Sacraments

Clare Jury


Our Parish


  • The community of St Mary’s, Robinvale has a district population of approximately 6,000 people.
  • There are approximately 61 nationalities in the area.
  • St Mary’s Parish School is a P – 8 with approximately 250 students.
  • Over time, the parish and district has become very multicultural, while maintaining an Indigenous community.
  • The area produces grapes, almonds, wheat, vegetables, olives and livestock.
  • The community of St Patrick’s, Manangatang, 60 kilometres south of Robinvale, is predominantly Caucasian.  Wheat growing is the main industry of this area.

Parish Planned Giving

Be a part of the Planned Giving Program to ensure the financial survival and future growth of your parish.

The Planned Giving Program is the major source of income for the parish. Your financial contribution will ensure we continue to manage the ongoing and increasing expenses in our parish, including, pastoral programs, insurance, wages, utility rates and church maintenance.

To ensure a regular and reliable income for the parish, we request you to make a periodic pledge either, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Your considered financial gift will make an enormous difference to continuing the work the parish.

For Parish Planned Giving or to donate click the logo below.


Parish Documents
Click here Children Young People and Vulnerable adults Code of Conduct
Click here Children Young People and Vulnerable adults safety Policy
Click here Commitment Statement to the Safety of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults

Standard 1 of the Victorian Childsafe Standards

Aboriginal cultural safety—a conversation with Sherry Balcombe and Michael Chisholm I July 2022


Parish News

July 10, 2020
Photos of St Mary’s Church, Robinvale
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More Robinvale News

Parish Map