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The Parish of



  • St Francis Xavier's

    3 Elms Street, Irymple

  • Our Lady of the Sacred Heart

    18 Box Street, Merbein

  • Sacred Heart

    259-261 Eleventh Street, Mildura

  • St Joseph the Worker

    149 Calder Highway, Red Cliffs

  • Our Lady of Lourdes

    Catholic Church, Werrimull

Parish Office


Please direct all phone calls and enquiries regarding baptisms, first communions, confirmation, weddings, etc and other administration matters to the Parish Office which is open Tuesday – Friday from 9:00am – 4:00pm.

Postal Address
PO Box 10037
Mildura  Vic  3502

Street Address
257 Eleventh Street
Mildura Vic 3500

Phone:  (03) 5021 2872

Fax:  (03) 5023 0337


Presbytery:  0417 862 082 which replaces the old
landline (5022 9959). This number is to be used if a priest is needed urgently—please, all other general enquiries to be directed to the Parish Office


Mass Times



Refer to Parish Bulletin for Mass times,
including those for the
Holy Week and Easter Triduum.

Click here to view Parish Lifestream of previous Masses


The Catechist Program for our younger parishioners, in the Monaghan Centre, Saturdays 10am—11am, recommences March 2025. All welcome.

Tuesdays 4:00pm, Mildura
Fridays 4:00pm, Mildura

Saturdays 11:30am in the Monaghan Centre

Tuesdays 4:00pm – 5.45pm Mildura
Friday 4:30pm – 5:45pm Mildura
Saturdays 10:00am Mildura

Latest Parish Bulletin

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Fr Matthew Thomas
Parish Priest

Fr John Corrigan
Assistant Priest

(Both priests resident in Mildura)


Parish Secretary
Carmel Spagnolo
Parish Council Secretary


Safeguarding Officer
Mr Vince Pileggi

Catholic Schools
Our Lady of the Sacred Heart Primary School
18 Box Street, Merbein, 3505
Narelle Gallagher
Ph. 03 5025 2258
The Parish of Saints Anne and Joachim is committed to the obligation to ensure the safety of all children in our care.
Sacred Heart Primary School
168 Twelfth Street, Mildura, 3500
Mark Gibson
Ph. 03 5023 1204
St Paul’s Primary School
714 Fourteenth Street, Mildura, 3500
Melissa Sutherland
Ph. 03 5023 4567
St Joseph’s Secondary College
154 Twelfth Street, Mildura, 3500
Greg Kluske
Ph. 03 5018 8000
St Joseph’s Primary School
17 Fitzroy Avenue, Red Cliffs, 3496
Naomi Kennedy
Ph. 03 50241654


Our Parish

Saints Anne and Joachim, Sunraysia

On July 1, 2023, a Decree from the Bishop of Ballarat (Bishop Paul Bird CSsR) was received advising of the new Parish of Saints Anne and Joachim, Sunraysia, with the amalgamation of the former parishes of Merbein (est. 1965), Mildura (est. 1906) and Red Cliffs (est. 1953).

Our parish embraces the communities of Irymple, Mildura, Merbein, Red Cliffs and Werrimull.

Our Parish Vision

“Our Parish is a Eucharistic Community united by our faith in Jesus Christ.
We work together in the power of the Holy Spirit to spread the good news of God’s Kingdom.”


There is a lot happening in our parish and a lot of parishioners are doing very useful things. We hope that this website will bring you up to date on some of the parish groups, their varied activities and their contact persons.

Our parish is essentially people. We of the Parish Pastoral Team see a major task of ours as helping you appreciate your own unique importance and special giftedness, and feel an ever-greater sense of belonging. We would love you all to become involved in the faith life of the parish and to take ownership for its vitality and effectiveness.

We are living in rapidly changing times. Our lives can so easily become overburdened; our available time so scarce. We all need the opportunity to step back from life and to bring our lives into perspective. What are we here for? What do we really value? Our faith provides the needed direction; but we need the support of each other to find the necessary freedom to shape our lives in line with our chosen priorities.

You are most welcome to take part in any of the listed parish groups and activities, or to suggest new ways that we can help each other. Feel free to contact the leaders, or make yourself known to the Parish Pastoral Team.


Please contact the Parish Office on 50212872

Sacramental Information

Please read here for information relating to Baptisms and Marriages.
Until further notice please contact the Parish office in regards to Baptisms and Marriages

Sunraysia Catholic Communities – Sacramental Dates for 2025

Parent meeting for Confirmation and First Holy Communion 2nd April 7:00pm Sacred Heart Church

Confirmation (Grade 3 and above)
The celebration dates are Friday 30th, Saturday 31st May and Sunday 1st June

First Holy Communion (Grade 4 and above)
The celebration dates are Friday 20th, Saturday 21st, Sunday 22nd June

First Reconciliation (Grade 2 and above)
Parent meeting 15th October 7:00pm Sacred Heart Church.
Celebration Wednesday 26th November from 5:30pm to 7pm Sacred Heart Church.

For further information please contact the Parish Office on 50212872, Tuesday to Friday 9am to 4pm.

Parish Planned Giving

Be a part of the Planned Giving Program to ensure the financial survival and future growth of your parish.

The Planned Giving Program is the major source of income for the parish. Your financial contribution will ensure we continue to manage the ongoing and increasing expenses in our parish, including, pastoral programs, insurance, wages, utility rates and church maintenance.

To ensure a regular and reliable income for the parish, we request you to make a periodic pledge either, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Your considered financial gift will make an enormous difference to continuing the work the parish.

For Parish Planned Giving or to donate click the links below.

Contribute to the Sunraysia Parish 

Contribute to Sunraysia Presbyteries Mildura


Our History

A detailed history of former Mildura parish can be read here.

• On December 11, 1927, Bishop Foley of Ballarat opened and blessed the red brick building Merbein parishioners built as a dual purpose building that could be used as a school during the week and a church on Sundays.
• The cream brick church of today was built in 1956. Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Merbein was Blessed and Opened on Sunday, April 8, 1956.
• In 1932, Werrimull became a parish and Our Lady of Lourdes Church was built in 1933.
• In 1965, Werrimull became part of the Merbein Parish and in more recent times a part of the Mildura Parish.

Red Cliffs
Situated 22km from Mildura and are proud of the contribution to the Sunraysia Catholic community.


Parish News

October 11, 2023
Languages report from Australian Federation of Modern Language Teachers Associations Conference
Congratulations to Casey Cadmore, Languages Learning Area Leader at St Joseph’s College, Mildura who received a grant from the Modern Languages Teachers Association of Victoria (MLTAV) to recently attend the AFMLTA Languages Conference in Perth in July.
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July 6, 2023
Parish of Saints Anne and Joachim, Sunraysia
Bishop Paul Bird CSsR decreed the establishment of a new parish in the diocese
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September 6, 2021
Feel safe and be safe at our Church
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August 25, 2021
NAIDOC Celebrations
St Paul’s Primary School Mildura students finally participated in activities to celebrate NAIDOC day.
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More Sunraysia News

Parish Map