During 2019, the Bishop’s Advisory Council together with Bishop Paul Bird, endorsed a process to develop a Vision for the Diocese for now and years ahead. This process included consultation with the people of the Diocese.
Diocesan Vision Statement
We are a community of communities from the Murray to the sea.
Inspired by the Gospel and nourished by the Eucharist,
we follow the example of Jesus and the guidance of the Holy Spirit,
reaching out in joyful and humble service,
caring for all of God’s creation,
growing in love day by day
and looking forward to life with God forever.
In 2018 the Bishop’s Advisory Council together with Bishop Paul Bird endorsed the 12 points from the 2014 Looking Forward document as the mission of the Diocese of Ballarat.
Bishop’s Advisory Council – Role
The Bishop’s Advisory Council (BAC) exists to support and advise the Bishop in his duty to ‘ensure that everything concerning the administration of the whole Diocese is properly coordinated and is directed in the way that will best achieve the good of that portion of the people of God entrusted in his care’. (Canon 473.1)
The Bishops Advisory Council is an expression of ecclesiastical communion in that it provides a forum to focus on the common objectives of the Diocese and promotes unity of action in governance. This coordination of activities enables focused Diocesan activities avoiding fragmented or contradictory objectives.
The major responsibilities of the Council are:
- To develop strategic directions, risk management and priorities for implementing the Diocesan Vision Statement
- To guide those responsible for policy making in the Diocese through the development of principles which support the mission of the Church
- To provide a broad context for informing decisions relating to the distribution of resources to meet pastoral needs in the Diocese
- To articulate Catholic ethos and identity, and support Diocesan agencies in the promotion of this ethos through staff formation
- To be a forum for the exchange of priorities, information and ideas between the agencies of the Diocese
Bishop Paul Bird CSsR
Fr Marcello Colasante (Vicar General)
Mr Tom Sexton (Director, Catholic Education Ballarat)
Mr Ross Wheatland (Diocese Business Manager)
Ms Deanna Davis (CatholicCare Vic. representative)
Mrs Jane Collins (Pastoral Ministry Office)
Fr John Monaghan (College of Consultors)
TBA (Diocesan Pastoral Council)
BAC Executive Officer
Chairperson (Rotating)
2025 (subject to change as required)
- 12 March
- 20 May
- 26 August
- 25 November
BAC Executive Officer
PO Box 121
Email: Bishop’s Advisory Council