Youth and Young Adult Ministry

The Ballarat Diocese supports youth and young adults in their journey of Christian faith.


Australian Catholic Youth Festival: 30 Nov – 2 Dec 2025

Australian Catholic Youth Festival (ACYF) is a national gathering of Catholic young people established by the Australian Bishops more than ten years ago. Run over three days, the Festival provides young people from all across Australia with the opportunity to come together to connect, deepen their relationship with Jesus, be empowered to live their faith in the world and experience the breadth of the Church in Australia.

ACYF 2025 will be hosted by the Catholic Archdiocese of Melbourne and will be held at the Melbourne Exhibition and Convention Centre (MCEC) from Sunday 30 November – Tuesday 2 December, 2025.

The Festival will bring together thousands of young people (Year 9 – 25 years of age) from all across Australia and include opportunities for engagement with other young people, school and youth groups, Bishops, musicians and speakers.

Each day will include the opportunity to engage in a wide range of activities including prayer, Mass, workshops, talks, live concerts, games, justice issues and an interactive expo.

For more information click here.

Registration open in May. For more information click here

Australian Catholic Youth Ministry Network

The Australian Catholic Youth Ministry Network – is set to foster and support leaders in Australia’s Catholic youth ministry community. Officially launched in October 2023, the Australian Catholic Youth Ministry Network will support youth ministry leaders and provide national leadership and opportunities for collaboration within a diverse, faith-filled culture of authentic, lived ministry with young people and the broader Church. The Australian Network of Diocesan Youth Ministry Coordinators has developed into the Australian Catholic Youth Ministry Network at the invitation of the Bishops Commission for Evangelisation, Laity and Ministry and is open to all involved in youth and young adult ministry. Whether that be through the Diocese, parish, school, community, ministry, movement or organisation.

Visit the website here.  




We are excited to share with you ‘Youth PATHWAYS’.

This booklet, produced by the Catholic Diocese of Ballarat, and distributed to school leavers around the Diocese, outlines opportunities to assist Young Adults on their faith journey.

It includes information about a variety of youth ministry and young adult
activities, as well as details on faith formation, social justice and outreach

Click the image to view the booklet.


Click these links for more info:

Sydney Catholic Youth have some helpful online resources available here

Scripture of the Week

Access the Gospel and weekly readings here.

Online Bible:

Mass Readings and Information – Apps: Laudate or Universalis


Are you leading a Parish Youth Group or planning to start one? Find useful and necessary information under the Resources link here.

The Ballarat Diocese Lay Pastoral Ministry Program offers online subjects in Youth & Pastoral Ministry.

Integrity in the Service of the Church

A core document for those working in the church (volunteers or paid).  Good resource for Youth Ministry team. Download here.

Ballarat Diocese Youth and Young Adult Ministry

For more information, please contact:

Diocesan Youth & Young Adult Ministry