Catholic Diocese of Ballarat Foundation


The Foundation is a response to changing needs within the Diocese. The Foundation was established in 1986 to raise funds to assist the Bishop fund the pastoral needs of the Diocese of Ballarat. The faith and generosity of earlier generations endowed us with churches, schools, presbyteries and other facilities. The present generation is faced with the challenge of providing services to the people of the Diocese amidst its changing demographic.

Goals of the Foundation

To financially assist the Diocese in its mission to grow Christ’s kingdom here on earth and the charitable works of the Diocese, and to provide for relief, support and comfort of those suffering from disadvantage within the Diocese: from unemployment; low income; age; physical or mental disability; language difficulties; or social or economic isolation.

The Foundation has its own rules, constitution and board of management; and operates as a distinct entity from general diocesan finances.  It has grown and now holds net assets of $11.1m as at December 2019.


The Foundation relies on donations to continue to build its investment reserve to fund its activities. You can assist by making a donation (all donations, regardless of the amount, are gratefully received); through a pledge (individuals or families can choose to commit to a pledge of a chosen amount on a yearly basis, or for a set period of time); or a bequest via your will.

Donations to the Bishop’s Charitable Fund are tax-deductible.


Mr Stephen Bigarelli (Chairperson), Bishop Paul Bird CSsR, Mr Pat Mcowan, Mr Adrian Tinetti, Ms Juanita Bongiorno, Ms Georgia Yanner and Ms Lucy Darcy.


The Foundation meets four times per annum.

Foundation Grants Forms

Following are the application forms to apply for grants from the Foundation.  An acquittal form must be submitted at the conclusion of the project.

Grant application forms for parishes here
General grant applications here
Grants Aquittal Form here

Contact Executive Officer

Mr Ross Wheatland
Diocesan Business Manager
PO Box 576

Ph: (03) 5337 7126
Email: Foundation