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The Parish of

Ballarat Cathedral


  • St Patrick's Cathedral

    3 Lyons Street South, Ballarat Central


Postal & Street Address
3 Lyons Street South, Ballarat
03 5331 2933


Current Parish News
For current Cathedral Parish News please visit


Parish Office

Parish Office Hours: 

Tuesday to Friday
10.00am to 3.00pm

Mass Times

Weekend Masses:
5.30pm Vigil

Week day Masses will be celebrated in the Cathedral.

Weekday Masses:
Monday:      12.05pm
Tuesday:       7.00am, 12.05pm
Wednesday: 7.00am, 12.05pm
Thursday:     7.00am, 12.05pm
Friday:          12.05pm, Reconciliation-11.00am
Saturday:     10.00am, Reconciliation-10.30am

(Sacrament of Penance, First Rite)
This Sacrament is available before Mass on Fridays at 11.00am and after Mass on Saturdays at 10.30am.

If you would like to receive our Parish newsletter each week, please call or email the Parish office with your details and you will be included in weekly communication.

Our Parish website will also have more information, resources and updates.

Latest Parish Bulletin

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Ministry District:  Ballarat Cathedral, Ballarat North and Beaufort Parishes

Bishop Paul Bird  CSsR
Fr Ed Moloney (Administrator)
Fr Jim McKay (Visiting Priest
Hampden Parish)
Fr Francis Kureeckal MST
Fr Abraham Thomas MST

Priest in Charge of Syro
Malabar Community:
Fr Alex Valliyamthadathil

Cathedral Parish Administration:
Tony Beggs
(Tuesday – Friday)

Finance Officer:
Jackie Wrigglesworth
(Monday – Friday)

Sacraments of Initiation:
Tony Beggs

Cathedral Parish Pastoral Associate for Base Hospital:

Parish Safeguarding Officers:
Tony Beggs / Maria Noonan

Please telephone the Parish Office for information and to make a booking for Baptism before attending preparation. Baptism preparation is required before Baptism takes place – make contact with the Parish Office.

Funeral Ministry Team
Please contact the Parish Office.


To book St Patrick’s Cathedral for a wedding, please telephone the Parish Office.

Please click here to read the “Getting Married at St Patrick’s Cathedral” booklet.

Please click here to obtain a Wedding Booking form.

GodStart Program
Sarah Kuek

Catholic Women’s League

Youth Ministry

Friends in Faith Youth Group
Altar Servers Refugee Support Group
Charismatic Prayer Group Communion to the Sick and housebound
Parish Office
Sacramental Program
Please click here for ‘The Sacramental journey explained…’Please click here for Sacramental Program Registration leaflet.  For preparation dates, please  call the Parish Office.
Susan Crowe
Parish Office
Parish Primary Schools
St Patrick’s Primary School, Ballarat St Thomas More Primary School, Alfredton Siena Catholic Primary School, Lucas
Secondary Schools
Loreto College, Ballarat St Patrick’s College, Ballarat

Our Parish

Parish Planned Giving

Be a part of the Planned Giving Program to ensure the financial survival and future growth of your parish.

The Planned Giving Program is the major source of income for the parish. Your financial contribution will ensure we continue to manage the ongoing and increasing expenses in our parish, including, pastoral programs, insurance, wages, utility rates and church maintenance.

To ensure a regular and reliable income for the parish, we request you to make a periodic pledge either, weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Your considered financial gift will make an enormous difference to continuing the work the parish.

For Parish Planned Giving or to donate click the logo below.

Our History


St Patrick’s Cathedral first conducted services from 1851 onwards, the parish of Ballarat was instituted in 1852. The first Parish Priest was Father Matthew Downing, who selected in 1853 the two acres site for this church which was granted under a crown Grant in 1855.

The style of the church is early Gothic from the era of Edward I in the 13th Century.


Although Catholic Services were conducted in Ballarat from 1851 onwards, the parish of Ballarat was instituted in 1852. The first Parish Priest here was Father Matthew Downing who selected in 1853 the two acre site for this church which was granted under a Crown Grant in 1855.

The style of the church is early Gothic from the era of Edward I in the 13th Century. The dimensions are basically 150ft by l00ft.  On February 7th, 1858 Bishop James Alipius Goold laid the foundation stone for the church which commenced being used on a regular basis for Mass in 1863.  The miners presented the Bishop with gold nuggets which were formed into a Chalice and Patten which are today in the Victoria and Albert Museum, London. With this exception all the presentation plate is still held by the diocese.

This was Ballarat’s only parish church from 1863 to 1963.  The official opening of the church was in 1871 and when the diocese of Ballarat was formed in 1874, the first Bishop Dr Michael O’Connor chose it for his Cathedral.  St Patrick’s Cathedral Ballarat was finally consecrated in 1891 by Cardinal Moran of Sydney.

The present High Altar and Stations of the Cross were purchased in Rome. The altar is of Carrara marble inlaid with precious stones including Antico Rossi, Lapis Lazuli and antique marbles.

The stained glass windows were introduced in from 1883 the first being that over the chancel. Following this were the Lady Chapel window and Blessed Sacrament Chapel window. These three windows were made in Germany (note their slight variation in colour to the other windows).

The remainder were gradually added to, until complete in 1910. Of these, the first was presented by the Loreto Sisters representing St Brigid (note her Crozier – traditional mark of a Bishop).  On the opposite side of the narthex is St Patrick’s window donated by the third Bishop, Bishop Higgins (note the crozier piercing Aengus through the foot).  Both these windows have the Holy Spirit uppermost.  The side windows depict the parables.  The tiles of the Sanctuary and side chapels are from Austria and those in the nave from Minton’s England. The first organ installed in 1867, was replaced with the Fincham in 1930.

Five of Ballarat’s eight Bishop’s are buried in the crypt.

Virtual Tour of St Patrick’s Cathedral



Click here for Position Description Safeguarding Officer

Click here for Commitment Statement to the Safety of Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults

Click here for Safeguarding Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults Code of Conduct

Click here for Children, Young People and Vulnerable Adults Safety Policy

Click here for  Reporting Obligations Flowchart

Click here for Grievance Policy

Standard 1 of the Victorian Childsafe Standards

Aboriginal cultural safety—a conversation with Sherry Balcombe and Michael Chisholm I July 2022


Parish News

June 27, 2024
St Patrick’s Cathedral $1000 Choral Scholarships – 2025 Applications Now Open!
St Patrick’s Cathedral, Ballarat is inviting applications from Years 3 – 6 students with musical interest and aptitude, for a Cathedral Choral Scholarship for 2025.
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September 29, 2022
Sing Assembly Sing
A day for all to explore the role of the Assembly in enriching the Mass.
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September 6, 2020
Have you heard the Good News? CDF has developed an online thanksgiving portal, CDFpay for Parishes.
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More Ballarat Cathedral News

Parish Map